martes, septiembre 30, 2008

"Chavez has squandered more than $40 billion on trips around the world!"/ ¡Chavez ha malgastado más de $40 mil millones en viajes en todo el mundo!

Primero Justicia (PJ) party leader, presidential challenger, Julio Borges has criticized President Hugo Chavez Frias' and claims that his much-publicized visits to China, Russia and other world capitals have cost Venezuela at least US$40 billion ... which he says has been a waste of time and resources and done mainly to enhance Chavez' ego-tripping on a world stage. Borges insists that Chavez should deal with important issues at home in Venezuela first and put his strutting on the world stage on the back burner until he has resolved the more important issues facing Venezuelans on their home turf ( full information)/ ¡Borges dice que Chavez ha malgastado más de $40 mil millones en viajes en todo el mundo!

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