jueves, octubre 02, 2008

US ambassador to El Salvador accuses Venezuela of meddling/ Acusan de injerencia al gobierno de Chávez

Charles Glazer, the ambassador of the United States in El Salvador, accused Venezuela of "intervening in internal affairs" of the Central American country, at a time when El Salvador is in the pre-election campaign ahead of the general elections in 2009. "There is clear interference of Venezuela in the domestic affairs of Salvador, and when that occurs, the media should explain voters what is happening," said Glazer ( full information)/ El embajador de Estados Unidos en El Salvador, Charles Glazer, acusó a Venezuela de tener "injerencia en la política doméstica" salvadoreña, en momentos cuando el país vive una campaña preelectoral con vistas a los comicios generales de 2009, informó AFP ( información completa)

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