Venezuela's Conindustria, which represents small and medium-sized companies, many of them in manufacturing, is at odds with Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez’s claim that there was no such thing as privately owned land, only property.President Hugo Chávez’s claim that there was no such thing as privately owned land, only property. “There is no private land,” Venezuela President Hugo Chavez declared Sunday, signing a decree for the takeover of five estates sitting on a total of 10,305 hectares. “To the attack! Authorized and approved.” ( full information)/ Se viola la Constitución cuando el presidente Chávez dice que las tierras privadas no existen en el país. El presidente de Conindustria, Eduardo Gómez Sigala, recordó a las autoridades que “o aquí estamos en democracia y la Constitución tiene peso y vigencia, o no la tiene”. Cuando se dice que “la propiedad privada no existe, sobre las tierras no existe, el presidente está liquidando con esa afirmación el artículo 115 de la Constitución” ( información completa)
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