Britain’s embarrassing foreign Secretary David Miliband was on the Today programme earlier absurdly implying that President Obama’s famous ‘hand of friendship’ which he extended to the Iranian regime has somehow been responsible for the extraordinary popular uprising in Iran that we have seen over the past few days. On the contrary – the hand of friendship has been met with the regime’s clenched fist being brought down on the Iranian people. With the election apparently having been s – at least, that’s what the people think – suddenly popular fury has boiled over. Obama now looks worse than ridiculous.( full information)/
El bochornosos Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Gran Bretaña David Miliband estuvo en el programa TODAY implicando absurdamente que la famosa mano extendida del presidente Obama al régimen iraní había sido de alguna manera responsable de la sublevación popular extraordinaria en Irán que hemos visto sobre el últimos días. Al contrario - la mano de la amistad se ha resuelto con el puño apretado del régimen que era descargado esobre los iraníes. Con la elecciones aparentemente amañadas - por lo menos, eso es lo que piensa la gente - la furia popular ha hervido repentinamente. Obama parece ahora peor que ridículo.
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