viernes, julio 31, 2009

'Venezuelan industries can substitute imports from Colombia'/ Empresarios "chavistas" dicen que pueden producir lo que se le compra a Colombia

Venezuelan companies loyal to the government of Hugo Chavez say they can produce what the country currently is importing from Colombia, adding fuel to Colombian fears that Venezuela is able to suspend imports in response to Colombian accusations its neighbor is providing weapons to the FARC. According to the "socialist" companies, Venezuela has the capacity to substitute products like food and textile that now make up a large part of what Colombia exports to its neighbor ( full information)/ Empresarios afectos al presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, afirmaron hoy que están en capacidad de producir los bienes y servicios que se importan de Colombia, los cuales el Gobierno "revolucionario" pretende sustituir en el marco de la actual crisis diplomática bilateral ( información completa)

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