sábado, agosto 29, 2009

Cuban experts to chart potential of Venezuela's massive gold reserves/ Empresa cubana cuantificará reservas de oro en yacimientos venezolanos

he governments of Venezuela and Cuba have signed an agreement to assess the actual amount of gold available for underground mining in El Callao, 973 miles south-east of the capital, Caracas. A team of experts from Cuba's Geomining-Salinero (GEOMINSAL) will chart gold reserves in over 48,000 hectares under the administration of (Venezuelan) state-owned CVG-Minerven ( full information)/ Venezuela y Cuba suscribieron el martes un "convenio de servicio" para que la empresa cubana Geominsal "evalúe y determine" las reservas de oro en 48.000 hectáreas de zonas auríferas que controla Minerven, filial de Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG) ( full information)

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