martes, septiembre 08, 2009

Chavez to sign new Russian arms deal/ Chávez discutirá compra de armas en Moscú (fuente rusa)

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will arrive in Russia to conduct a new arms deal Wednesday, according to the news agency Interfax.Venezuela is planning to buy three diesel-powered submarines, several armoured personnel carriers and type T-72 tanks and ten military helicopters, said the report, quoting officials from the Russian arms industry. Caracas also wanted to invest in coastal missile defences ( full information)/ Dichos contratos conciernen tres submarinos a propulsión diesel y eléctrica de tipo Varchavianka (clasificación OTAN "Kilo"), vehículos de combate de infantería BMP-3, tanques de combate T-72 y diez helicópteros de combate Mi-28, precisó la fuente ( información completa)

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