domingo, noviembre 08, 2009

Transporters riot at Venezuela-Colombia border/ Violentos disturbios bloquearon frontera con Venezuela toda la mañana del sábado

Heavy fighting broke out between motorcycle taxi drivers and the Venezuelan National Guard Saturday after attempts by the transportes to illegally cross the Colombia-Venezuela border.The motortaxis were crossing the border nearby the Simon Bolivar bridge, but were stopped by the Venezuelan National Guard. The drivers were forced to abandon their vehicles after short were fired by the Venezuelan military. Venezuelan authorities then conficated and burned the abandoned behicles, resulting in angry reactions from the drivers ( full information)/ os choques, que dejaron cuatro lesionados, se presentaron cuando decenas de manifestantes, a los que se les unieron mototaxistas y vendedores informales de gasolina, quemaron llantas y arrojaron piedras en el viaducto para expresar su inconformismo frente a las tradicionales y drásticas requisas y, según ellos, maltratos verbales, a los que son sometidos diariamente ( información completa)

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