lunes, noviembre 16, 2009

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to join airborne scientists seeking rain/ Hugo Chávez dice que lanzará rayos a las nubes para que llueva en Venezuel

Venezuela's efforts to combat severe drought conditions may include President Hugo Chavez going airborne with scientists as they try to generate rain from clouds.Chavez has said a team of Cuban scientists are in Venezuela to fly aircraft with special equipment designed to influence weather patterns, specifically to bring on much-needed precipitation. “I’m going in a plane; any cloud that crosses me, I’ll zap it so that it rains,” Chavez said late Saturday, according to Reuters ( full information) / "Ya llegaron con un equipamiento especial y ya estamos montándolo en los aviones Hércules nuestros y vamos a comenzar a bombardear nubes", dijo Hugo Chávez en un acto el sábado en la noche."Yo voy a ir en un avión, nube que se me atraviese le lanzo un rayo para que llueva", agregó. ( información completa)

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