viernes, septiembre 23, 2005

...He’s not kidding/No esta bromendo

El Presidente Hugo Chavez, en relación a la confiscación de varias empresas relacionadas con el sector agrícola como Hato La Marqueseña, la Planta Promabasa de la Polar y otras propiedades de particulares en manos privadas, animó a los gobernadores y alcaldes detectar tierras e industrias ociosas y les recordó su autoridad para expropiarlas. "Expropienlos y pagenles, es muy facil", e ironicamente agregó "pueden darle un pedazo de papel que diga...a ser pagado por Chavez en el 2030".


During the ceremony for the signing of the Agreement Fostering Social Production Companies, held in the auditorium of Industria Venezolana de Aluminio (Venalum), he voiced his unconditional support for left-wing Minister of Agriculture and Lands Antonio Albarrán and the arbitrary and illegal actions he has taken against Hato La Marqueseña, Polar’s Promabasa plant, as well as other private properties, especially in the state of Barinas.
He also announced arrogantly that next Sunday, his weekly show Aló Presidente would be broadcast from Hato La Marqueseña.
There is more than meets the eye to the decision to make that hato the backdrop for his show. Many feel that the president has a personal interest in this specific property, as pointed out by Rodolfo Schmidt in Punticoma, referring to the book “Habla el Comandante” by Agustín Blanco Muñoz. According to this book Chávez mentioned La Marqueseña and claimed that his grandfather – Maisanta’s son – died fighting for that land. Speaking of Maisanta, Chávez then added, “by the time he died, as an old man, he was sick and tired of going around with lawyers and documents trying to recover the land. Those documents must be somewhere in the family.”
Equally serious is the fact that the president urged governors and mayors to keep a closer eye on unused land and factories in the cities, reminding them of their authority to expropriate. He went on to tell them: “You expropriate and pay them, it’s very easy,” then commented sarcastically, “Maybe I’ll give them a piece of paper that says ‘collect from Chávez in 2030.’”
While Chávez grabs more and more power, with his political opponents in disarray, the Bolivarian revolution is speeding up its revolutionary reforms.
The strategy being followed by the government in dismantling, controlling and taking over the private sector has moved ahead at a frightening pace, while at the same time, the state’s production activities have been militarized. This militarization is now being extended to expropriations and invasions in the different regions, with help from municipal and gubernatorial authorities.
So far, Chávez has only gone after farmland and industries. In the long run, however, he will take control of the financial, commercial and service sectors, doing away with all remnants of private property in the country.
Chávez means it, and said so on Tuesday: “I’m not kidding ...”
The Daily Journal.23/09/05

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