viernes, octubre 03, 2008

Venezuela, France eye nuclear energy cooperation/ Francia pide a Venezuela que intervenga ante Irán en el tema nuclear

France is willing to help Venezuela develop a civilian nuclear power program, the foreign ministers of both countries said Thursday. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner also said that France would like to use Venezuela — a staunch critic of the United States — as a go-between with Iran in discussions about the Middle Eastern nation's disputed nuclear program, but that Iranian officials have so far proved unreceptive to the approach ( full information)/ El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores francés, Bernard Kouchner, solicitó este jueves a su homólogo venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, que Caracas interceda ante Irán en el tema nuclear y para que "transmita a Teherán nuestras ofertas de diálogo"( información completa)

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