miércoles, junio 01, 2011

Venezuela: Anti-Semitism Keeps Escalating/ Antisemitismo: Profanada Sinagoga en Caracas

On April 4, the known radio host of National Venezuelan Radio (NVR), Cristina Gonzalez, in her program 'La noticia final' highly recommended that her listeners read the anti-Semitic pamphlet. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a fraudulent anti-Semitic text -- one of the main proponents of which was Adolf Hitler -- that was put into circulation in Russia around the turn of the 20th century by the czarist secret police, with the goal of spreading the idea of world-wide Jewish conspiracy ( more...)/ La situación presentada en la Sinagoga Beth Abraham era perfectamente previsible. El discurso antisemita de los seguidores de Chávez, ha estado subiendo de tono. Radio Nacional de Venezuela una emisora al servicio de la propaganda chavista, ha promovido la lectura del panfleto antisemita de la era zarista “Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sión” y proponen que los mismos sean divulgados a través de la televisora Estatal ( más...)

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